We envision all people, all beings, and all life as expressions of God.
We see a world in which each and every person lives in alignment with his/her highest spiritual principle, emphasizing unity with God and connection with each other; a world in which individually and collectively we are called to a higher state of consciousness and action.
We envision humanity awakening to its spiritual magnificence and discovering the creative power of thought; a world where each and every person discovers his/her own personal power and ability to create an individual life that works within a world that works for everyone.
We envision a world in which we live and grow as One Global Family that respects and honors the interconnectedness of all life; a world where this kinship with all life prospers and connects through the guidance of spiritual wisdom and experience.
We envision a world where personal responsibility joins with social conscience in every area of the political, corporate, academic, and social sectors, providing sustainable structures to further the emerging global consciousness.
We envision a world where each and every person has enough food, a home and a sense of belonging, a world of peace and harmony, enfranchisement and justice.
We envision a world in which resources are valued, cared for, and grown, and where there is generous and continuous sharing of these resources.
We envision a worldwide culture in which forgiveness (whether for errors, injustices, or debts) is the norm.
We envision a world which has renewed its emphasis on beauty, nature, and love through the resurgence of creativity, art, and aesthetics.
We envision a world that works for everyone and for all of creation.
SECTION TWO – Organizational Design Model, page 3:
Accountability: We account for our activities, disclose them in a transparent manner, and accept responsibility for our actions and the obligations entrusted to us.
Open Communication: We communicate openly with each other in an atmosphere of collaboration and inclusion.
Financial Health and Prosperity: We express order and balance in our finances and experience optimal financial well-being. Through the richness of our teaching and its application, we value the principle of abundance and its expression as prosperity as a means to provide resources to empower our personal and collective vision.
Integrity: We embrace the quality of being honest and strive to let our inner convictions match our outer actions. We express wholeness, honesty and fairness in our relationships and activities.
Love: We embrace Love as the Self-Givingness of God to all creation, moving through us into expression as compassion, caring, mutual respect and kindness. We express Love as:
Community Service: We dedicate our time, talent, treasure, and expertise to the healthy and joyful evolution of our spiritual community, the community in which we live and the greater community of the world.
Safety: We create a community wide climate conducive to honest reflection and deep and direct communication.
Compassion and Caring: We express interest in and support for the well-being of ourselves and others. We express unconditional love when observing the suffering of others and do what we can to give aid and show compassion.
Spiritual Living: As we learn and practice our philosophy, the Science of Mind, we live
principle-centered, Spirit-led lives and turn to our principles for guidance in all moments and all areas of our lives. We express Spiritual Living as:
Diversity and Inclusivity: We value, embrace and celebrate the individual uniqueness and contribution of all people as they express through differences of gender, ethnicity, culture, history, experience, talents and sexual orientation.
We include representatives from all our organizational constituencies in leadership, sacred service and decision making.
Education: We walk a path of awakening, growth, and spiritual deepening through classes, workshops, seminars, and spiritual practices that allow us to embrace education as a lifelong endeavor.
Transformation and Evolution: We do deep inner personal work of self-discovery and healing to reveal the greater truth of our Divinity, wholeness, and freedom.
Creativity: We allow the ongoing activity of Spirit into our hearts, minds and activities to bring forth new forms and expressions to inspire and guide.
Continuous Improvement: We consistently welcome more and more of the Divine Nature to be realized within us and revealed through our relationships, our decisions and our contributions to the world.
SECTION TWO – Organizational Design Model, page 6
Centers for Spiritual Living
Values and Vision Summary
Before voting, familiarize yourself with Centers for Spiritual Living's values and vision.
A summary of our values and vision are included below for quick and easy reference.
CSL Values
Accountability - Open Communication - Financial Health and Prosperity - Integrity - Love - Community Service - Safety - Compassion and Caring - Spiritual Living - Diversity and Inclusivity - Education - Transformation and Evolution - Creativity - Continuous Improvement
CSL Vision (Summary points)
We see a world that works for everyone
Where all life is honored as expressions of the Divine Where people live according to spiritual truth Where unity and connection are emphasized
Where humanity awakens to spiritual magnificence Where humanity rediscovers personal creative power Where we live as one global family
Where kinship with all life prospers Where spiritual guidance is valued
Where we are called to conscious social action
Where people have enough food, homes, and a sense of belonging Where forgiveness is the norm
Where there is peace, harmony, and justice for all.
Where there is a renewed emphasis on beauty, nature, creativity, art, and aesthetics Where resources are valued, cared for, and shared
Where communities are meaningfully involved in service to the world
Then, in preparation for voting, research candidates and issues. Next, set time aside to apply the spiritual practice of visioning to your process (see tips and guides below). Finally, when ready to make your selection, ask yourself:
Which of the candidates for this position display values consistent with those of CSL and its vision of a world that works for everyone?
Does this ballot measure express the values of CSL and its vision of a world that works for everyone?
Does this ballot measure reflect a positive direction for all in your community?
Before submitting the ballot - review and make sure you are at peace with your decisions. Check with your spiritual intuition, which our founder Dr. Holmes referred to as Divinity within humankind, about which of these candidates resonate most with your spiritual values. Visioning is one spiritual tool that can be used to access your spiritual intuition.
Guidelines for Visioning
(From Centers for Spiritual Living Department of Education Visioning Class)
Determine the focus for the Visioning process, for example, "my vote."
Center in Spirit. Enter the silence to establish your awareness of the Presence within. Anchor this awareness in Infinite Love, which is the overarching purpose for our lives.
Open to the vision by asking a question or questions. Pause after each question to receive the vision. Choose four or five open-ended questions (see below) and allow for unknown possibilities to be revealed. Write (or draw) your responses after each question or after the process.
What is Spirit's Divine Idea for this (the focus of your Visioning)?
What does it look like, feel like, etc.?
What qualities of Spirit are expressing through this vision?
What is my part in this vision?
How must I change to allow this vision to unfold?
What gifts do I bring to this vision?
What must I release to be this vision?
What must I embrace to be this vision?
What must I allow others to do?
What spiritual work must I do to allow the vision to unfold?
What must I become to embody the become the live the vision?
Visioning Tips
Stay neutral during Visioning. Avoid judging, analyzing, or editing.
Allow yourself sufficient, uninterrupted time to do your Visioning.
Be patient and allow the vision to unfold and come into form in Spirit's time, not yours. Avoid drifting into planning, controlling, or attempting to "make things happen."
Be alert to "evidence" that the vision is ready to reveal itself. Be prepared to flow with the vision as it manifests.
Allow the vision to "speak" to you in a variety of ways: a color, a feeling, a sound; a smell; a thought or word(s); a knowing; an image, or nothing at all.
Centers for Spiritual Living One Page Voter Guide
Prepared by the Spiritually Motivated Social Engagement Committee
CSL Vision Summary
We see a world that works for everyone
Where all life is honored as expressions of the Divine
Where people live according to spiritual truth
Where unity and connection is emphasized
Where humanity awakens to spiritual magnificence
Where humanity rediscovers personal creative power
Where we live as one global family
Where kinship with all life prospers
Where spiritual guidance is valued
Where we are called to conscious social action
Where people have enough food, homes, and a sense of belonging
Where forgiveness is the norm
Where there is peace, harmony, and justice for all.
Where there is a renewed emphasis on beauty, nature, creativity, art, and aesthetics
Where resources are valued, cared for, and shared
Where communities are meaningfully involved in service to the world
CSL Values
Accountability - Open Communication - Financial Health and Prosperity - Integrity - Love - Community Service - Safety - Compassion and Caring - Spiritual Living - Diversity and Inclusivity
Education - Transformation and Evolution - Creativity - Continuous Improvement
Questions When Completing Your Ballot
Which of the candidates for this position best align with values consistent with those of CSL and its vision of a world that works for everyone?
Does this ballot measure express the values of CSL and its vision of a world that works for everyone?
Does this ballot measure reflect a positive direction for all in your community?
Before Submitting the Ballot
Review and make sure you are at peace with your decisions.
All Intelligence abides in your subconscious and awaits your call upon it.
You may say you do not know what to do. But at the center of your mind is the clear decision that you should make.
It is right there.
Raymond Charles Barker
by Dr. Ernest Holmes, 1887 – 1960
Believing in the Divine destiny of the United States of America and in the preservation of liberty, security, and self-expression, I offer this, my prayer for my country:
I know that Divine Intelligence governs the destiny of the United States of America, directing the thought and the activity of all who guide its affairs.
I know that success, prosperity, and happiness are the gifts of freedom, and are the Divine heritage of everyone in this country.
I know that success, prosperity, and happiness are now operating in the affairs of every individual in this country.
I know that Divine guidance enlightens the collective mind of the people of this country, causing it to know that economic security may come to all without the loss of either personal freedom or individual self-expression.
I know that no one can believe or be led to believe that freedom must be surrendered in order to insure economic security for all.
The All-Knowing Mind of God contains the answer to every problem which confronts this country.
I know that every leader in this country is now directed to this All-Knowing Mind and has the knowledge of a complete solution to every problem, and each is compelled to act upon this knowledge to the end that abundance, security, and peace shall come to all.
And I know that this spiritual democracy shall endure, guaranteeing to everyone in this country personal liberty, happiness, and self-expression.
And so it is. Amen.