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My New Minister Sacred Covenant

Dear Beloved CSLGLV Member,


Our New Minister Co-Creation Process is complete with a wonderfully inspired and inspiring result. I am deeply grateful to those of you who were able to participate in the process on Saturday, February 27th and to the Covenant Creation Team for your additional contribution on the community’s behalf. Your dedication and commitment to CSLGLV is truly valued.


The outcome of our collective work is a document titled: My New Minister Sacred Covenant, which was unveiled during our Sunday, March 14th service. This Sacred Covenant is included here and also posted on our website at


Sacred means holy and covenant means agreement. This Holy Agreement reads as an “I am” declaration so that you begin to embody the statements yourself. You will note that there is space in the Sacred Covenant to add your own personal affirmations, one for yourself and one for the community. I encourage you to do so. It is important for you to affirm what you wish to experience.


Remember, this process is not taking place out there; it is taking place within each and every one of us. We are not ordering a New Minister from a menu; we are co-creating a new experience. This is about each one of us becoming that which we would like to have as our New Minister. The Truth embodied is demonstrated.


I invite you to come into holy agreement by reading the Sacred Covenant daily. Post it somewhere where you can see it. Let your heart say “Yes!” as you read it. Invite Spirit to move through you to call in our New Minister. This process brings us together in one Divine Vision and one greater good that we are all accepting.


Let’s honor and trust the mystery of the process. We are standing together in deep faith, in the realization of Oneness, open to the revelation of our New Minister. This is an advanced spiritual practice. Things begin to happen as our community comes together in consciousness. We take the next steps, one at a time, with the Sacred Covenant as our collective guide.


Again, I extend my sincerest gratitude and appreciation to each of you. I am inspired by your willingness to embrace the Highest Idea for our Center and our New Minister.


Together we rise!



Rev. Colleen Tanaka

New Minister Co-Creation Process Coordinator

Center for Spiritual Living Greater Las Vegas

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